Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Japan Appreciates the Help & Prayers


This poster was made by my friend, Yuko Takayama, earlier today(That's her in the picture).  

We want to say to the world, Thank You.  For your prayers, support, and everything

My friends over at RAN Magazine have created a donation fund.  They plan on using these funds to travel from Nagoya and Tokyo to the Tohoku region and volunteer their time, skills, and whatever else they need up there  as soon as they are given the green light by the authorities. 
Visit to donate.

"We are still standing. If there are no other accidents, we MIGHT be soon on the way to recovery. We cannot be driven by overconfidence NOR fear but a balance between healthy fear and courage to learn all we can in this crisis." - Rod Ross

Thanks for your support, and I am safe in Yokohama--don't worry!

L. "Taz" Hicks

Posted via email from OnMugen's posterous

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